Monday, March 17, 2014

Earthquake! in Los Angeles March 03.17.2014

We experienced a 4.4 magnitude earthquake in Los Angeles in the early AM. Around 6:25, when children readied for school and parents, fought traffic. I AM happy to be in the collective "we" experienced..." because I have mad FOMO (fear of missing out) on earthquakes. I'm not scared. I AM brave. I figure when your number is up, your number is up - YOU WILL get to YOUR final destination. hahaha!

I thought it was bigger than a 4.4, but it's been so long. I enjoyed it, nonetheless. It felt like a big jolt and a little rumbling to follow. I've had numerous careers and side-gigs. I was once a newscaster on a live cable news program. I think I was pretty cool under pressure, but check out these cool cats this morning experiencing a 4.4 magnitude earthquake, live on the air.

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